Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees is the governing body of SYV Family School, a nonprofit, tax-exempt corporation. The Board of Trustees includes parents of students (past and present), community members, and the Head of School. In addition to establishing broad policies, the Board has the fiduciary responsibility for the continued financial stability and long-term viability of the School. This includes responsibility for the School’s operating budget, capital assets, and fundraising efforts. In addition, the Board hires, supports, and evaluates the Head of School, but is not involved in the day to day running of the School. The role of the Board is to ensure adherence to the School’s mission, to safeguard the integrity of the School, and to provide for the future of the School.
Each spring, the Board of Trustees elects members and officers for the upcoming school year. Members serve for an initial one-year term and then renewable three-year terms. Because of mandated Board size limitations, there may be years in which no new seats are available. All School parents are encouraged to serve on Board committees. Board committees include: ​
SYV Family School
Board of Trustees
Dominic Rioux, Board Chair
Ryan Elliot, Vice Chair
Ashley DeHahn, Secretary
Matthew Hunt, Treasurer
Brian Arnett, Trustee
Ulises Castañeda, Trustee
Jackie Pace, Trustee
Lisa Ramsey, Trustee
Simon Sweeney, Trustee
Kathryn Gonnion, Trustee
Megan Linton, Trustee
Lynn Becerra-Valencia, Trustee
Buildings and Grounds
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging
Committee on Trustees*
Membership on these committees or involvement with Family Circle are excellent ways of supporting the School and working towards becoming a member of the Board.
*These committees are not open to the greater parent body. Members of this committee must be on the current Board of Trustees.
Board Meetings
The Board meets at least 5 times per year. If parents have a topic that they wish to present to the Board, please contact the Board Chair, Anna deLaski (, at least 3 days ahead of the scheduled meeting to get on the agenda.
If parents are interested in one day serving as a board member: serve on a committee, volunteer for events, and show passionate interest and involvement in the School.​
2024-2025 SYVFS Board Meeting Schedule:​
​August 25, 2024
November 3, 2024
January 16, 2025
March 2, 2025
May 4, 2025